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Week 9: From the Fields

Moutoux Orchard (07/23/19)

Welcome to Week 9 of the 2019/2020 Moutoux CSA! Summer is flying by and we are at the peak of all the summer goodies. Take-a-Crate of tomatoes is here, eat and preserve as many as you can. We know not everyone has time to walk the farm fields during pickup so enjoy some pictures of the beautiful Moutoux fields that are steps away from your CSA table.

Fennel in the Moutoux herb garden

Tomatoes ripening on the vine

Cherries (left), Romas (right)

Romas getting ready


Kyle and Katrina working hard!


Squash blossoms


Sneak peak: Sweet potatoes doing their thing underground

Farm to Table

Until next time, see you all at the farm!



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