Welcome back to the Moutoux CSA Blog!!

Welcome to Week 1 of the 2019/2020 Moutoux Orchard CSA!
We're really excited to get this blog up and running again and have a ton of ideas to help you cook up some delicious recipes using precious Moutoux farm food. It's such a great time of year with spring abundance in full swing and all of the new members coming for their first CSA pickup! We have so much to be grateful for every single day, especially family, friends, and beautiful farm food.

To kick off this week, we are going to keep it short and sweet. Here are some quick tips for the first week at the farm:
1. Stay calm, don't get overwhelmed. We know this is a big change from the grocery store shopping lifestyle, but we promise after a few weeks you'll be calm as a cucumber while eating them fresh from Moutoux fields!
2. Ask questions. Your mom always told you there are no stupid questions, she was right. "What is that weird looking vegetable?" is totally valid. Ask away.
3. Don't forget to bring your reusable bags, cooler, and milk jug. However, if you do forget, which we ALL do, there are extras.
And a quick rundown on how to store the goods:
Delicate greens (e.g., green lettuce, red lettuce, mixed greens) - Wrapped in paper towel (to absorb water), in a container (ziploc or other), in fridge. TIP: Those plastic containers with salad greens from the grocery store are awesome for farm use all year long. Save them and use here!
Hearty greens (e.g., kale, mustard greens, bok choy, chard) - In a plastic grocery bag, in the fridge. One-use plastic no longer, this is the perfect place to reuse those bags over and over again.
Root veggies (e.g., beets, carrots, radish) - Uncleaned, in a container (ziploc or other). TIP: Save the greens from these veggies while you can and cook them up like any other green.

That's all for this week, enjoy Week 1 and stay tuned for next week!